I went to school with this guy named Cody in high school. He joined the Navy after graduation and away he went. I've seen him off an on over the past four years, but nothing serious-like. Out of the blue this evening, I get this myspace message:
hey sweetheart, how the hell have you been? i am in town till friday so give me a call when you git a chance, XXX-XXX-XXXX (cell) or XXX-XXXX (house)!!! well i hope i get to see you before i leave!!! ttyl
I instantly responded with my contact numbers and told him where he could find me so we could catch up. He was always a sweetheart in high school and we've been casual friends.
Anyway, he calls my mom to see if he can come over and if I'm here and then shows up at the door not five minutes later around 9:00pm. He just left at 4:30am. We sat in my kitchen and talked about everything from religion to politics to relationships to what we want in another person to telling dirty jokes to the loss of our loved ones (his grandpa just passed not too long ago) to our jobs/education. We laughed and there was some flirting going on, which is kind of weird because I've never really looked at him in that way before.
But what do ya know? There was some chemistry and some surreptitious looks passed. Kind of... unnerving.
Before he left, he hugged me four times. Long hugs, with his thumbs gently rubbing back and forth over my shoulders. I had that flutter in my stomach that comes when you just know that a guy is wanting to kiss you, but I think we were both a little too shy, a little too hesitant, so there was no kissing action. Tonight. He said he wanted to see me again before he left (he's home on leave) and that he would drop by the hotel tomorrow night, so who knows?
He seems to have his head on his shoulders, he's already saving money for his future kids and their college educations. He's a Christian. Taller than me (not hard to do, I know, bite me). Has a lot of insight and wisdom into what we were talking about and is a good listener. Plus, we're both not morning people, are definitely night people, love country music, will sing in karaoke bars if buzzed enough, have been cheated on in past relationships and think it should be one of the cardinal sins. Uhm... just a lot in common from everything we talked about tonight.
I love having a digi!!! Have a look-see. But ignore the backdrop stuff. That's our kitchen, we've got four kids in the house and the trash is really, really, full. Kind of embarassing but hey... my mom was chasing kids all day, my dad is in Wyoming, and I was at work, then chatting with a friend catching up so it didn't get taken out. Anyway...

It's only the second day of the New Year and there was some spark. So who knows? I just want to get my degree and I'm not really looking for anything. But I'm not being closed off against it either. Maybe I'm just making a mountain out of a mole hill... I guess all I'm saying is: we'll see what happens. Either way, I think we got a lot closer tonight and we agreed to stay in touch when he goes back to his base in Florida, so I've got a good friend out of the deal.
I love the New Year.
Addendum: Okay, so the WHOLE picture is showing up in my post, but not on the site. You can only see our stove, his arm, and maybe 1/3 of his head. Any ideas on how I'm supposed to fix this??? Dammit. Guess I need some training on the use of the digi. Now I feel like I suck, haha. HELP, please? :)
Ooh this is the third or fourth blog I've read involving a new man prospect. I'm so excited for the new years and to see how these relationships will develop!
Ohhhh Amber's got a gentleman caller!
hello sailor! ;)
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