Friday, January 12, 2007

A (very) Early Morning Quickie

It's 4:25am and I am finally headed for bed. I just watched the entire season one of Grey's Anatomy that I got for Christmas. I LOVE THAT SHOW!

People, take a word of advice: NEVER walk on ice if you can avoid it. Especially if you're carrying things which prevent you from catching yourself. I took the biggest digger I can remember in a long time yesterday. There's not a muscle in my body that is not screaming in agony every time I move. My right ankle can't handle a lot of pressure and going down stairs is hell - I think I hyperextended it when I ate my shit. I never realized that I actually have stomach muscles, but apparently they're there. Because every time I sit up, pee, or do anything else that requires your stomach, I can't help but think that I'd give a kidney up for some pain medicine stronger than Advil. Which is doing nothing. And I can't lay on my tummy, which is how I like to sleep, because it makes me feel like I can't breathe. Call me a weenie, but when I was dispatching, we were trained to treat ALL falls as traumatic. I'm right around 5'3 which means that's the distance to the ground that I fell. I feel like a wuss and, uhm, slightly retarded for falling in the first place. But trust me - my pride is not hurting as much as everything else. Even my boobs are sore. If it's one thing I found out though, is that the only thing your breasts feel good crushed against is a man's chest.

Anyway. I can't wait for season two of Grey's Anatomy to come out!!

I ate spaghetti for dinner tonight and I have heartburn like a mo-fo. Does anyone else feel like they're burping fire when that happens?

I checked my email tonight only to discover that my anti-virus software has a nasty little "effect." When it brings a pop up to let you know you're "under attack" or whatever - the frickin thing SCREAMS at you. It seriously almost made me piss myself. It was like something straight out of the Grudge; well, at least what I imagine would be as I don't watch scary movies.

My cat has yet to catch Ghetto Mr. Jingles. I'm really starting to wonder if maybe this is God's punishment for my siblings and I getting her stoned with us so often back in the day. Now she only has a taste for the "finer" things in life and mouse just doesn't cut it? I know this horrible to say, but when you're stoned, there are few things funnier than watching your cat get cotton mouth, the munchies, and then roll over onto it's back with paws up to sleep - in that order. We were really terrible some days... but I swear, the cat loves weed. She would try to lick the plate while we were breaking it up, sniff the smoke clouds, and would bite at Ashley's hand until she gave her a stem. Now; however, I'm thinking that Bitch Karma has come around to bite me in the butt. Maybe if we hadn't turned her into a stoner cat and thus putting her through withdrawls when we quit, she would be doing her kitty JOB. Instead of laying next to me, purring contentedly. Or it could just be she's lazy. Or maybe the mouse keeps outsmarting her - like we have our very own Ben & Jerry show going on right here! Whatever. The mouse needs to die... but somebody else has to kill it because even though I hate it and it makes me stay rooted to my bed... I still don't have the heart to kill it.

In other news, TweakerBoss came through with the promise of a bonus for setting up the hotel on a computer system. A hundred bucks is better than nothing! And the dollar an hour raise didn't hurt anything either. Now that I've passed my state test and am a CNA and got through my schooling and have my MA degree as well... I just keep thinking to myself: why in the HELL are you still working at a hotel instead of getting your ass into gear and distributing your resume to hospitals and the like. Since, you know, you just busted your tail to be ABLE to work in healthcare!!! My next day off will be a week from today as I have to work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

G has worked the last three. Anyone care to wager how many calls on my cell I've received from her in the last 72 hours? Ah, such is life!

Well, I'm done with my little whine fest for now. If things aren't improving by tomorrow, I'm going to go see a doctor. No sense in being stupid about all of it.

Will write again soon!

Oh, and never let it be said that I can't write a short entry. This is short... for me! :)


Sarah said...

Hun, Season Two of Grey's is already out! It's the white box!

Anonymous said...

845 words. Yep a short post from Amber!

I come and go on Greys Anatomy but wait till you see the pink mist episode in Season Two. Great TV.

M said...

I can't help it - I hate that bloody Dr Grey and her whiny voice!! And McWhateverthefuck - don't even get me started on him! I liked Patrick Dempsey better when he was in Can't Buy me Love :)